
You deserve to feel this kind of peace.

Experience pure sensory relaxation, Over 1000lbs of Epsom Salt solution, and Weightless tranquility in one of our huge float pods

Comfort for all levels

On the Booking page, click the ℹ info icon beside each room name to see a photo.

Rooms 1, 2, 3 with our iSopods are great for people who are nervous and want a bit more room with an optional light inside the float pod.

Rooms 4 & 5 are our classic Oasis Float Tanks. No light inside. “The OGs” as they are known don’t stop dishing out epic floats. Still huge at 8.5ft x4.5ft they encourage a still, deep float practice.

What our guests are saying

Disconnect to Reconnect

Floating (or Float Therapy or Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy R.E.S.T) has long been a passion of ours and we are excited to bring it to Winnipeg. When you enter Float.Calm’s lobby, you’ll be welcomed with an almost tangible sense of calm. Your floating experience begins from the time you step through our door to the time you step back into the world.

Relaxation begins as you prepare for your float in our lobby. Feel free to peruse our selection of unique local and other merchandise in our float shop while we prepare your room. As your floating session begins, you will feel your stress leave your body while your mental, emotional and physical balance is restored. We have easy online booking with an introductory package to get you floating more for less. We look forward to seeing you.

Wait no further. Schedule your float today.

About Us

Our goal was to create an affordable, easily accessible environment that helps to enrich people’s lives by providing an opportunity for them to DISCONNECT from everyday life. This experience of “exploring the private sea” allows people to RECONNECT with themselves to find a deeper sense of consciousness and compassion. Read more about us.

Contact Us

| 337C Pembina Winnipeg, MB P | 204.477.6507 E | hello@floatcalm.com