by FLOAT.Calm | Nov 17, 2018 | Testimonials
Bradley is a real-estate agent and proud father of two. He floats as a way to enhance his meditation practice and expand his consciousness in this ever evolving hyper connected world. His advise… go inward. “You just see the world in a different way...
by FLOAT.Calm | Nov 17, 2018 | Testimonials
Tired of the same old date night routine? Geordy and Margarita never intended to turn floating into something they do together. Although it’s typically an individual experience, floating is also enjoyable to do with friends or partners as it can lead to some...
by FLOAT.Calm | Sep 28, 2018 | Benefits of Floating, Science, Research & History
If you pay attention to the media and current events these days, there is a lot of uncertainty and things to be concerned about. A quick search on “Anxiety Epidemic” yields a shocking number of articles. In fact, the Winnipeg Free Press published an...
by Rebecca Ambrose | Aug 29, 2018 | Benefits of Floating
When I’m not helping guests at the float centre, I’m working in a professional office setting Monday to Friday. This includes many hours of sitting – at my desk, in meeting rooms, in the cafeteria – and just as many hours staring at multiple computer...
by Rebecca Ambrose | May 18, 2018 | Benefits of Floating
It’s no secret…I like to play video games. I cut my teeth on summer breaks playing ATARI and Nintendo with my cousins. I was hooked on the Tetris arcade in the lunchroom at university, and after I bought my first PlayStation, Spyro and I became fast friends. I...
by FLOAT.Calm | Jan 22, 2018 | Testimonials
Summary: Kathy initially used floating to help with her chronic pain but soon after discovered that it has much more to offer. Listen how floating has changed her outlook on self care. What is Salty Confessionals? This project was a bit of an accident, but a wonderful...
by FLOAT.Calm | Jan 22, 2018 | Testimonials
Summary: Peter is a musician, composer, student and teacher. Listen how be uses floating as a way to enhance his creativity and “untangle the mind”. What is Salty Confessionals? This project was a bit of an accident, but a wonderful surprise. Initially we...
by FLOAT.Calm | Jan 22, 2018 | Testimonials
Summary: Rebecca has 3 kids and wishes she discovered floating much sooner. Listen to her explain how she used floating to help with chronic pain caused by her pregnancy and her journey of discovering the many benefits floating has to offer. What is Salty...
by FLOAT.Calm | Jan 22, 2018 | Testimonials
Summary: Stéphanie is an athlete and busy professional who has been floating for over 2 years. Listen to how she uses the float tank to help recover from training and why it’s important to let go and not try to control the experience. What is Salty...
by FLOAT.Calm | Jan 19, 2018 | Testimonials
Salty Confessionals: John On Floating Regularly Summary: John is an Orthodontist and has floated well over 100 times. (yes, you heard that right) Listen to him explain how floating can be a very ordinary experience but have an extraordinary impact on your life. What...