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Floating Best Practices — Before You Float
Pre-Float Physical Activities
We have found performing physical activity (yoga, cardio, or resistance training) before you float can greatly enhance your floating experience. Your body has expended pent-up energy, muscles and tissues are loose and flowing with blood, your mind is clear and calm. Combining this with floating can help create an even deeper state of meditation. One word of caution though, if you’re hot from a workout before heading into your float it will effect how you feel the tempurature.
Hair Dye

Being dehydrated before your float is not ideal. A healthy daily hydration practice is just plain good for your optimal health.

Techniques While Floating

Those with upper back or neck issues will probably find arms over your head more comfortable.
Also, to avoid “ping-ponging” from side to side, try to position your body in the middle of your float pod. To do this, place your arms and legs against the sides to position your torso in the middle, and once you feel the water to be calm, slowly and evenly retract your limbs back to the mid-line of your body. Once you like your position and feel comfortable try to remain still while consciously relaxing all of your muscles.
Letting Go


Audio should be looked at as a way to enhance the float experience as opposed to dictate it. This is why we have carefully selected audio tracks to help in the process. You can sample the available audio options here
Before You Book

Please refrain from booking if you experiencing any symptoms of being ill.

If your hair dye is bleeding in the shower to any degree we kindly ask that you wait until it’s not. Dye and float tanks do not mix and it can cause long lasting damage.

You must book ahead. Please plan accordingly as we will not be accepting walk-ins. Use our online scheduling system, it’s super easy and you can select the best package and membership options before arriving.
If you don’t like booking online, of course give us a call (204) 477-6507.
Please Read: What’s New
Please review the below summary of changes before your next visit.

Cleanliness is a top priority for us so please see our cleaning section for details on our protocols.

If you can, please avoid big bulky jackets to reduce the need to store them while in your float. You can bring them into your float room as well.

Bring a water bottle. You can fill up your bottle when you arrive and tea station will be available soon.

If you require a robe for mid-session bathroom breaks please bring one or ask for one upon arrival. If you hit the bathroom before heading into your float you likely won’t need it.

We have blow dryers for use post-float. Please be mindful of the time so we can be sure to clear the space between guests.

Sandals will be required throughout the centre and will be provided. You are also welcome to bring your own.

Please review the Updated Float Procedure below before coming in so you know what to expect.
First Timers

After scheduling an appointment, you will receive an appointment confirmation email. Please review to ensure you’ve booked on the correct date and time and read over the the tips section so you know how to best prepare for your visit. If you have any other questions our FAQ page is loaded with goodies.

You don’t need to bring anything except maybe a hair brush, face cloth (if you wear heavy makeup) and whatever you need to get ready after your float. We provide earplugs, shampoo, conditioner, towels, blow dryers etc but you may want to bring some face cream and whatever else you need after showering.

Two days before your appointment you will receive a reminder email and text message (if you requested it).

Please arrive 20 minutes early to watch the introductory video and get oriented.

Check in, take care of any payment needed and we’ll show you to an iPad and headphones. Take a seat and watch the introductory video that will walk you through the float procedure and give you some tips and tricks. Complete and sign your waiver and return it to us.

Please feel free to ask any questions or bring up any personal concerns. We’re here to make sure you are safe, comfortable and have the best first float experience possible.
The Float Procedure

C’mon in. We never have more than 3 people leaving and arriving at the same time so this part is easy. We’re not a big box store after all.

Grab a pair of sandals. They are marked as follows.
- Small – Ladies 6-7
- Medium – Ladies 8-9
- Large – Men’s 8-9, Ladies 10-11
- XL – Men’s 10-11 1/2
- XXL – Men’s 12-14

Check-in at reception. We’ll set you up with an introductory video if needed and show you to your float room. Use this time to mention any preferences like music, a glow ball or anything else we can do to make your visit more comfortable.

Once in the float room, dry the inside of your ear with provided Q-tip and insert your earplugs. Shower well to rinse off any dirt, oils and body/hair products.

Enter the float pod, relax in to the water, and float effortlessly. The intro video will cover everything you need to know about this part.

Exit the pod, and shower to rinse off the salt water. Please exit the room within 10 minutes so we have time to prepare for the next guest.

Float Room Cleaning and Disinfection
Not only are you by yourself for the duration of your appointment but we’ve attempted to mitigate any risks that still may exist. Check out the steps we take below to ensure you can be worry free for the duration of your visit with us.

1 Hour Intersession Time
We have 1 hour between each person leaving the float room and another person entering. This allows plenty of time for disinfecting and air exchange.

Air Ventilation
The world has a better understanding of airborne germs now then probably any other time in history and we’re ready. Even though we have 5 small pools of warm extremely salty water solution, you will notice that our space is not humid when you arrive. This is because the air exchange unit for our space was engineered to exchange out the air inside 4.5x in a single hour. It’s rare to find another space with this kind of air movement. It’s like having the windows open all the time. The air that you encounter when you get our of your float session isn’t the same as when you went in.

Float Room and Shower
We clean each room and replace all amenities between each and every guest. Proper disinfection is a combination manual cleaning action, the use of an approved disinfectant and adequate contact time. Contact time is the duration that surfaces must stay wet with disinfectant to adequately do their job killing organisms. We have chosen a Health Canada approved Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) disinfectant to use in all our float rooms and high touch areas between guests. H2O2 breaks down into Oxygen and Water so it is much safer to be around than bleach. Since we will be leaving the disinfectant on surfaces without drying to ensure to the longest contact time possible, the floors and walls may be damp when you enter the float room, which is why we have installed anti-slip mats and now require sandals.

Float Solution
Remember, this isn’t water. See our FAQ page on “How our water is cleaned”

Deep Cleans
Weekly deep cleans of all the rooms and tanks are still happening as per our normal procedures.
How does UV light disinfect?
UV Light is a spectrum of electromagnetic radiation between 100 and 400 nanometers. This wavelength is lower than the visible spectrum of light. The Sun emits all spectrums of UV. UV-A and UV-B are the ones most are familiar with as they cause us to get sunburns. UV-C, Deep UV or Germicidal UV on the other hand is blocked by our atmosphere and ozone layer. As a result, living organisms on Earth, including human tissue, have not evolved to handle it and as a result they do not hold up well to it. The energy from these wavelengths is absorbed by living cells where it breaks the RNA chains, making it impossible for the cells to make new proteins and as a result they die off. The spectrum between 200 and 300nm (specifically 250-280nm) has been demonstrated to kill any and all pathogens including bacteria and viruses at varying dosages. Hospitals use this technology to protect against the transmission of even the most difficult to kill viruses like Norovirus. We have been using it in combination with Hydrogen Peroxide in our float solution for years, now we are incorporating it inside the float tank between our guests as well so we can ensure the inside surfaces and air are being thoroughly disinfected.
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Blog Roll
Theta State_ How the Brain Signals Relaxation
What’s happening to your brain when you float? How do you go from being awake, conscious, and stressed to relaxed and dreamy? While we still have a lot to discover when it comes to different states of consciousness, one key element is the “Theta State,” when our brain waves operate at a certain frequency most often linked to the moments between sleep and wakefulness.
Improving Athletic Performance with Floating
Here’s a sports trivia question for all our athletically-inclined readers:
What do the Dallas Cowboys, the Golden State Warriors, the Chicago Cubs, The Manchester United Football Club, and Michael Phelps all have in common?
About Us
Our goal was to create an affordable, easily accessible environment that helped enrich people’s lives by providing an opportunity for them to DISCONNECT from everyday life. This experience of “exploring the private sea” allows people to RECONNECT with themselves to find a deeper sense of consciousness and compassion.
Read more about us.