Let’s face it, pain is a PAIN! We’ve all experienced it at one point in time. Maybe you were a little too enthusiastic while playing with the kids or maybe you spent too much time at the keyboard. Maybe you pushed for a personal best at the gym or maybe you do daily battle with lupus or fibromyalgia.
Whether it’s the result of an injury or a chronic condition, pain can be difficult to deal with. Not only does it affect your physical well-being, but it can also take a toll on your mental well-being. I know from experience.
In 2014, after emergency surgery, I found myself in a constant state of pain. Torturous migraines. Indescribable body pain. Relentless insomnia. The only time I felt any relief was sitting in a very hot bath, but that was only temporary. The sharp decline in my health took a direct toll on my family and my work. It was a very confusing and maddening and stressful time in my life.
After over a year’s worth of weekly visits to the doctor’s office and a referral to the kindest neurologist, I finally had a diagnosis – fibromyalgia and cluster headaches. My diagnosis came with several prescriptions for medications meant to help deal with the constant pain. Along with any relief they may have offered, the medications also brought a list of side effects as long as my arm. Although medications work well for many people, it quickly became clear that medication was not the best answer for me.
And so, I started my quest for natural methods to help manage my pain. I sought advice from many different health and wellness providers. I spent many hours searching the internet for natural treatments I could try at home. I kept finding one recurring theme – MAGNESIUM.
Magnesium can help to relax muscles and ease pain. It can be taken as a dietary supplement but is more easily absorbed by the skin. I found that taking a magnesium supplement was effective and I started adding Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) to my baths for even more relief.
My research eventually led me to Floatation Therapy, and it sounded almost too good to be true. A large tank full of warm water that is so dense with Epsom salt, you float on top of it like a cork. I read about how such large concentrations of Epsom salt combined with the weightless environment can provide increased pain relief and I thought ‘All I’ve got to lose is this pain, and I won’t be sad to see it go!’
I spent some time reading all of the information on the FLOAT.Calm website. I watched YouTube video testimonials. I watched documentaries explaining the history and benefits of floating. I hummed and hawed and Facebook-stalked FLOAT.Calm for a few months before I finally purchased my Intro Pack.
“All I’ve got to lose is this pain, and I won’t be sad to see it go!”
To be honest, I’m not sure what took me so long, and I wish I wouldn’t have waited
Not only does the water stay warm inside the tank, but it is packed with 850 lbs of Epsom salt. EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS! Much more than the cup or two I’d throw into the tub at home.
Sensations of zero gravity. No light. No sound. Nothing to do for 90-minutes but let the pain float away into the warm, salty water. After only a few minutes in the tank I knew that floatation therapy would be a complete game changer for me.
That first float resulted in several hours of pain relief and an uninterrupted night of sleep, both of which helped to reduce my stress and improve my mental outlook. Each float experience has been different, but as my float practice evolves, I’ve noticed my results improving.
Less pain. Less stress. Less medications. Improved mood.
If you’re ready to add an amazing therapy to your wellness routine, I highly recommend Floatation Therapy (also known as R.E.S.T. – Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy). If you’re unsure if floatation therapy could help you, I encourage you to do your own research. Take in the information on the FLOAT.Calm website, including the video on the homepage. Read the scientific research that is easily available on the internet. Watch testimonials on YouTube.
With respect to specific information about about Fibromyalgia/Chronic Pain and Magnesium, here are some great articles to start you off.
[1] Guerrera, Volpe, and Mao, “Therapeutic Uses of Magnesium”, American Family Physician (2009) 80(2):157-62.
[2] Magnesium as a Fibromyalgia Treatment
[3] Why I Love Magnesium For Fibromyalgia
And remember, you’ve got nothing to lose but that aching, nagging pain!

Rebecca Ambrose
Full-time business analyst, a part-time float guide, and an all-the-time fibro warrior.
Her hobbies include talking about floating, reading about floating, watching videos about floating, and (of course) floating. She also enjoys crocheting, finding creative ways to keep her cats out of her yarn stash, running muddy obstacle courses, and spending way too many hours playing video games.